Saturday, May 14, 2022

The way of the intercepting fist way!

 Yes, that's right, that is the correct translation of the book shown here.  Interesting fact might be that originally, Bruce Lee called his art the Tao of Jeet Kune,  which is translated the way of the intercepting fist.  However it wasn't that catchy sounding and when Bruce was asked for an interview and asked about his art, he stated that it was called Jeet Kune Do, taking inspiration from other martial arts such as Ju Do, Karate-Do, Taekwon Do... Do is a japanese/okinawan spelling of the 'Way' or 'method'.   

That's not the reason for this post however. Instead I want to invite you to take your copy of your bookshelf (if you don't have one, then what are you doing here?! Go get one already!) and have a closer look at it, I mean properly read it! 

Forget the Zen bit for a moment, a lot of people who bought the book read the first chapter about Zen and are disheartened to read on, thinking the rest of the book is very similar and subsequently don't really read it, but it looks great on the bookshelf amidst all the other books about (insert martial arts of choice) in your collection..

Just look at the titles of the other chapters for a moment, to name just a few, there is Qualities, Mobility, Preparation, Attack etc.   It isn't an how to book, in the sense that it is a step by step instruction manual on Jeet Kune Do (thankfully, I'd be out of something to do otherwise...).  rather it invites you to look deeper at the core principles of Jeet Kune Do, or fighting in general.  Also realise that the book was released after Bruce Lee had passed away. When they found Bruce Lee's treasure trove of notes, sketches etc on the martial arts, his widow Linda decided that they should be shared with the world, and a few years of pain staking research and organisation followed to try and put his notes together in a coherent way, that eventually became the Tao of Jeet Kune Do.  

If you read the book and understand it, you will see that not often does Bruce Lee refer to other martial arts, but is more engaged in how the human body moves and can do things the most efficient way, he details types of speed for example (see Qualities), which have everything to do with the science of the human body, not any particular art.  Yes there are some notes where you can find for example 'studies on Judo or Jiu Jitsu', but they are just that; notes. You certainly won't count 26 (see other posts).  Remember in an earlier post I wrote that Bruce Lee had a uncanny ability to dissect and understand other martial arts and their techniques, without the need to spend hours training in them, in fact while he did work on a little bit of Judo with friends, particularly when he first came to the USA, he never took any formal classes in it or practiced it to great length.  

All over the book, there are interesting bits of knowledge, here's a few you may want to look up, page numbers below are of the expanded english edition, as that is the book currently in print. 

Page 92: chapter Tools:  At the top is a column with Training aids, read it and try your training in that way, similarly on page 95.  

Page 25: chapter Empty your Mind:  The list on the Facts of Jeet Kune Do, read it, do you understand it? do you know what he meant with the 'un crispy stuff' and 'shifty blasting'?  Think about it! Ask your instructor, see if he knows!  

Do you know what a SPBKS is?  (really fundamental stuff, look it up, I won't tell you the page!) 

I'd recommend to take your copy of your bookshelf at least once a week, just open a random page and really read it, understand it, try to see a clear picture in your head, and practice it.  Make notes! I have several copies of the book, one I keep pristine, the other copy is scribbled full with marginal notes and underlining of important teachings etc.   I recommend you do the same!

Walk On!

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