Tuesday, May 17, 2022

So you want to train in Martial Arts/Jeet Kune Do?

Let's first have a look at the why.

First things first. Any physical activity is good for you, anything is better than to be idle on the sofa engrosed in your smartphone (you're probably reading this on one right now...). 

I don't need to repeat what is universally accepted that to be healthy, exercise is key, combined with a good and varied diet.  But how do you go about it?  A lot of people get stuck in the making plans stage, and never get any further than that. Sometimes people do a trial session of whatever it is they were interested in, only never to return. This can have a variety of reasons, they didn't get a good vibe of the instructor(s) or other people present, they didn't enjoy the activity as much as they thought they would, or they misjudged the commitment it takes. The first two are highly subjective experiences, but the commitment one is generally one that can be over come. Sometimes it means juggling around 'life' a little bit. If the time that your class is, clashes with another activity, see if that activity can't be done another time (your favourite TV show being on at the time should be a non issue, record it, and watch it later!). 

The main thing is, how bad do you want it? Are you willing to make some changes and stick with it? Do you have that commitment?  

Getting started is often the hardest bit making that initial push to get in touch and then to actually show up! Keeping it going is the second hardest. Once you have been going for a few months it gets easier and for most people that point will be reached around month 3... push past it, and you may be in for life!  

Are you not sure still? How about  the benefits of martial arts? Well martial arts training has several things in common with other physical activities, such as improving your fitness, strength and flexibility (which are all benefits that will help you in many other aspects of life). Often after a training session, you will feel good about yourself, a sense of acchievement etc.  Training isn't always about learning something new or improving, sometimes it's just therapy. A moment for yourself, to switch off and forget about the daily struggles for a bit and focus on something else.  In particular the ability to focus/concentrate is an aspect of Martial Arts training that is so beneficial and helps greatly in reducing stress, anxiety and a host of other mental health issues.  Getting a confidence boost is also a key factor. Whilst social skills improve because you're working closely together resulting in a rise in self confidence, learning to defend yourself is also a big contributor to this. Knowing that you can take care of yourself and your loved ones (or at least have a much better chance) is something no other physical activity provides.  Lastly it develops a good sense of values and morals, again something that is unique to martial arts. 

As you can also see from the illustration, there are a lot of positive points in martial arts, that are unique to martial arts. These are equally valid for training in Jeet Kune Do.

Perhaps all these positive points have made it a bit easier for you to decide to dedicate some time to yourself, and make that commitment. 

So if you're still considering it, live relatively near to us (wider Newton Abbot area/Torbay, Devon, UK),and you want to train with us, why not drop us a line.  Time to make a commitment! In the wise word of Yoda: Do or Do not, there is no Try! 

Use the contact page on our main website: www.junfanjeetkunedo.co.uk , or look us up on Google of Facebook.

Walk On! 

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