Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year! Did you set a goal?

 Hi all, hope you all  had a great Christmas and New Year! 

As is often the case many people start the year full of intent to start something new, or make changes in their life one way or other. 

After the initial enthusiasm, several drop out, some after a few weeks, others a few months.

Here's a few simple tips to help to avoid some simple pitfalls that work, no matter what it is you're trying to change/acchieve.

- Tell your friends! By telling them, it will result in them enquiring with you from time to time how things are going, keeping you on your toes.

- Set realistic goals! For example don't expect to lose a lot of weight in an unrealistic time frame, if it's weight loss you want (get leaner), expect about 1pound per week on average with a healthy sustainable program.

- Don't expect results! That's right, if you set expectations you will sooner or later find that you didn't acchieve it , which works as a massive motivation killer! Expect that it doesn't (always) work (as quick) as you'd hoped. However reflect that it is a journey, with many twists and turns, and that being on the journey is what counts, not how quick you get there! 

- Keep a journal! This is important to bring structure in your approach. Write down what you did, how much/how long you spend on it, and track your progress. It will work as a subconsious discipline builder!

- Be prepared to make a few sacrifices: Many goals take up time. If that time was spend watching TV, or watching social media content, then be prepared to watch an hour or so less of TV a couple of times per week. Your favourite social media platform will still be there tomorrow!  So put that phone down for a bit, take a deep breath and do something productive towards your goal.

- Life is for living! Ensure you have time left for life. Don't become obsessive, give yourself some slack, make time for family friends and other duties you may have, don't forget to enjoy life and enjoy yourself, give yourself some rewards.  

Walk On! 

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