Thursday, December 7, 2023

Supplementary Training

 Often, (but not always) Jeet Kune Do schools appear to have a tradition of only a few class room based lessons per week, often taking the approach that these are to be seen as a homework assignment, and you do the bulk of the work/training at home.  I agree in principle with that approach, particularly in the early years where you work on the 'how to' elements of the art. Later on, additional sessions (particularly where it concerns sparring etc). are beneficial for further development.

But that's not all.  You have to ensure that your body is able to handle martial arts practice so supplemental training is beneficial.  This doesn't have to cost you a lot of money. What's needed in most cases is functional strength and flexibility. Invest in a good set of resistance bands of a variety of sizes etc.  This will be enough to use at home, doesn't take up a lot of money or space!  Use resistance bands to do a full body strength session approx twice a week at a minimum.

Cardio: You don't have to go out for a jog. Whilst it is good to have a basic level of endurance (can you run a 5K?) Martial arts is about short bursts of intense activity, so have your supplementary cardio training reflect that.  HIIT sessions are a good way, they don't take up a lot of time and you could use those as your warm up before you practice JKD at home.  

Obviously, mobility/flexibility is another good training. Making sure your muscles have the range and your joints are able to function as your body was designed to do is also fundamental, and helps to avoid injury.  Find yourself a good mobility program (I personally recommend Tom Morrison's  Simplistic Mobility Method, which is a one of payment, and you have access for life). Do this along side your regular workouts, and you'll be surprised at the results.  I was.

So in short, Cardio, functional strength and mobility are the areas you should look for when supplementary training is concerned.  If you want to bulk up , join a gym. If you want to run a marathon, then jog etc.  

Oh one more thing, drink lots of water and have a healty varied dieet! And don't forget to have a bit of fun every now and then and have a cheat day, eat out, have a drink and relax! Life is for living!

Walk On!

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