Saturday, October 29, 2022

Instructor or Student, what's in a name.....

 Recently I had the honour to be awarded the Full Instructor certification, from my teachers and friends, James Ter Beek, and George Sirag, both 2nd generation certified instructors direct from Ted Wong.

(Ted Wong was Bruce Lee's close friend, private student and sparring partner and for a time practically lived with Bruce, and often on the receiving end of Bruce Lee's experiments and training sessions..) 

So does that mean I'm now done learning?  NO! The journey continues, and possibly my responsibility has just increased by some margin. As a trainer/teacher/coach/instructor you do have the task to transmit your knowledge/skill onto others and guide them in their personal learning process. Teaching in any capacity requires you to not only be able to transmit the material, but obviously thoroughly understand it too. To that end learning never ends, there are always new insights, new nuances to pick up and learning a martial art, particularly Jeet Kune Do, is all about continuous refinement and growth. 

Regarding that learning aspect it is always great to study with others and I participated in a learning/study session that was based on the new book 'who wrote the tao' which goes in depth into the source material that Bruce Lee used for his personal notes (and which became the 'Tao of Jeet Kune Do').   (you can order your copy direct at : , and it will also become available at Amazon in due course). We can always find ways to learn more and share that process with others. 

I see my instructorship as having reached black belt level, I now know the basics, but the true journey begins now, so from that perspective I am an eternal student.  Flowing Water Never Grows Stale! 

Walk On!

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Practice Makes Perfect

I know I'm stating the obvious here, but it is common sense, practice does make perfect.  Drill something until it becomes second nature...