Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Welcome to the Jeet Kune Do Monologues


Whilst we've been operating for 5 years this month, and have a nice website (if you didn't know, it can be found at ), a public facebook presence, and also a dedicated private group for the students of our group, these places are not that great for general posts on the matter of our martial art, Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee, and to give my personal , unedited, uncensored opinions on the matter.

So here's the first post on this new blog.  I'm not going to write something here every day, but I will if and when something is note worthy, something exciting to share (yes I know, that's also subjective) or I simply need to get something of my chest. Hence I chose to use the word 'Monologues' in the title of this blog.   I hope you enjoy my ramblings and occasional wisdom (???), if not, may I suggest Google and try another search result?   

Thanks for stopping by! 

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Practice Makes Perfect

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