Monday, June 3, 2024

Supplementary training


Bruce Lee was a big fan of supplementary training, and you should be too.  This doesn't mean you have to do as much and as often as him. That depends on the time you are able and willing to devote to your training and as I stated before, for most of us our lives are much different than Bruce Lee's and we often have full time day jobs and our partners do too.  

That said, the small list of exercises on the left here are Bruce Lee's daily routine, he would do them every day, usually in the morning and don't need to take a lot of time. He would do 3 sets each. Whilst he would take more time per round, I recommend 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, then move on to the next one. You could be done in 25 minutes that way. 

On top of that he had another sequence he would do later in the day, he had a particular set of 6 exercises, that he'd do 3 times per week, another on alternate days, and sunday was used on power training (Isometrics).  Note that the sequences had 2 variations, he'd do sequence one during one week, and sequence 2 another. The first sequence was a bit more generic, but the second sequence focuses on the Forearm/waist.   So each day there would be a general sequence+forearm/waist sequence.

This is before additional cardio (running or stationary bike), strenght training (weights etc), and lets not forget actual martial arts practice, working on kicks , punches etc.. 

Again, we do most likely not have the same amount of dedicated time available to pull all this off, or perhaps not even have the desire to do so. What is clear is that the only reason that Bruce Lee was so good, is that he put in the time and effort, consistently.  So when you hear someone say I could never be as good as Bruce Lee, remind him that the only way to get Bruce Lee like results, is to put in Bruce Lee like time and effort.   That said, the above schedules could serve as a great bodyweight workout for most to warm up with (just pick any sequence or schedule prior to your home workout (heavy bag, shadow boxing, etc.), to change up your routine.  Regular changes to your routine will help keeping things interesting, and ensure faster results. 

Walk On! 

Supplementary training

  Bruce Lee was a big fan of supplementary training, and you should be too.  This doesn't mean you have to do as much and as often as hi...