Monday, February 13, 2023

OPEN Jeet Kune Do Workshop

Announcing an Open Jeet Kune Do workshop to be held on May 6th 2023. This workshop is open to everyone over the age of 14 with an interest in Martial Arts. Prior experience is not required, but obviously useful. This workshop will cover Bruce Lee's development of the art of Jeet Kune Do, and will teach you some of the basics of this art, so you will actively participate in a variety of drills and basic principles. Experienced Martial artists will also be catered for in that we'll endeavor to cover some more advanced topics in a seperate group during this event.
Teaching will be James ter Beek and George Sirag. They came into contact with Ted Wong in the early 1990's and trained with him until he died in 2010. Ted Wong was Bruce Lee's private student, sparring partner and family friend. He may not be the most well known student, as he had no commercial interest in teaching, but from all students, he spend the most time with Bruce Lee, more than anyone else. The information and insights shared during this seminar will be as close as you could get to Bruce Lee, if he was still alive! Visit: and go to the contact page to register! 


Supplementary training

  Bruce Lee was a big fan of supplementary training, and you should be too.  This doesn't mean you have to do as much and as often as hi...